Majority of Americans Favor Voter ID Laws

You need an ID to do pretty much everything these days, so why is it such a big deal when it comes to voting:

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 71% of voters think voters should be required to show ID before they vote. 66% of likely U.S. voters believe voter fraud is a serious problem, and 33% say it is a very serious problem.
Yet 34% think voter ID laws discriminate against some voters, which is up from 22% at the end of last year. 87% of GOP voters think voter ID doesn’t discriminate, while 60% of Democrats think it does.

The bottom line is this: 94% of Republicans and 76% of voters not affiliated with either major party favor voter ID; only about 50% of Democrats do.

The controversy here is that these laws will disproportionately affect minority voters. And this is what sets liberals into such a fit: they’re precious, government-subsidized voting blocks will have a harder time at registering their uninformed votes Republicans do not depend on minority voters for votes, Democrats do. As awkward as it may be for Republicans to notice, the Republican Party is the “White Party”; that is not, however, the equivalent of saying they’re the “Whites Only” Party. Democrats love to accuse them of being closet racists, but simple observation will tell you that most right-wing minority voters are not part of the poverty class liberals depend on. Voter ID laws allegedly prevent these people from performing their Constitutional right to vote–said right does not exist, by the way–so any attempt at requiring anything at all for voting is hysterically seen as an attempt at rights infringement.

Let’s consider, then, the fact that it takes an ID to buy a beer, drive a car, buy a home, and get insurance; why should voting be any different? In fact, since voting is arguably the most politically important thing the average citizen will do, it should be strictly policed and monitored. To not do is a form of civil irresponsibility, and the past few decades have sufficed to prove that point.

We don’t let just anybody get a driver’s license after all (well, that’s the notion anyway), it would be chaos, right? Just letting everybody vote without requiring identification is a form of political chaos. Democrats thrive by demonizing the right-wing of America as a rancorous brigade of backwater Bible-thumpers and racist klanmembers out for a good ‘ol minority killing…with not a single trace of evidence to back it up. Keeping minorities dependent and stupid works to the advantage of Democrats, since most minorities are pro-big government and, therefore, pro-taxpayer-funded goodies that said government provides for them. It has nothing to do with what’s in the best interest of the rest of the Union, it only has to do with getting what they see as theirs. If you had the ability to vote yourself free money and services, would you take it?

There were reasons why the Founding Fathers limited suffrage to about 20% of the male population, and it has nothing to do with racism or sexism, but notions of “having a stake in the fate of the country.” We don’t let youths vote, after all, because they’re almost to a man bad voters. It’s just who they are, they’re immature and not knowledgeable enough to make an informed decision. Now, voter ID laws will not overturn universal suffrage, but they will be a step in the right direction towards making sure that only citizens will be voting in political elections. Obviously ID’s can be faked, which is why a voter ID law is not the end goal here, but a sign that the nation is trying to get back on the right path again. Voting is not a right, it’s a privilege, and when one has attained such a privilege, it is one’s duty to vote wisely.

About Patriot

"The time is near at hand which must determine whether Americans are to be free men or slaves." -George Washington
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